Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keeping on Track

Today was shopping day and as usual I had menu planned and tried to minimise my grocery shopping to a mere $30. I felt a pang of disappointment when the cashier said that will be $49 thanks. I hadn't deviated from my list. There was not one non-essential item. Yet I still felt as though I had failed.

I then realised that in fact I had succeeded. 2 reasons:

1. The cost of fruit & veg is getting higher and yet we still need to maintain a healthy diet.

2. I had fed 2adults & 2 children (19 & 14 1/2 years) breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks for $49 for 7 days. Now that's no mean feat. And no one will be hungry.

I guess that means I have halved my grocery bill, as I used to spend ~$100 per week.

That also led me to thinking that I may be should give myself a sanity allowance. My husband gets $160 fortnight, but also has to pay for his petrol out of that (he rides a motorbike). Whilst my pertol is already paid for, I guess $100 per fortnight might be good, as then I won't feel quite as deprived as I do at the moment. My hair is in desperate need of a colour, yet I can't bring myself to part with $14 for a hair colour (which I do myself once every 8weeks or so). I really have STOPPED all spending.

I have also payed a visit today to and joined their online membership. Unlike which helps you cut the corners off your everyday spending, it helps you formulate your debt free plan. It's a great website full of lots of information, tips and advice.

The plan helped to keep me motivated further and it will do all of my calculations online each month after I've made my payments.

it's scary to see it all written there, but confronting it in black & white is half the battle.

Off to work again tonight. Hopefully better that the last shift. Have also just been for a swim, as I want to incorporate exercise into my routine as part of keeping emotionally & physically fit & strong, will give me the will power to become financially fit also.

I really have to get on to those wedding cards and the March birthday presents.

Happy making & saving!



  1. Good morning Martha, Hang in there! You look like you're om the right track.
    Happy saving.


  2. Thanks Sue, it't certainly starting to feel right and like I'm making headway.
    Thanks for your support.

