Monday, February 22, 2010

Final Week of February

I can't believe nearly another month has gone by! 10 more to go! So far I have $208 in savings (I increase my payment by 10% at the beginning of each month). I've caught up on all past due accounts/ payments and have nothing overdue. I have $1346 left to earn (extra shifts) to pay the final payment on my daughter's school trip to Borneo (total $6,400)(it was $3500 at the beginning of Feb). Then I can start channeling the extra money into the CC's. OMG there's actually 5 of them. Grand total, $48,392. I seriously wonder how much of that I can get rid of this year. We have put our 2nd car up for sale now. As it is a luxury we simply can't afford (or really need for that matter). There is no loan on this car, so plan to pay down the CC with the highest interest rate with what we get from the sale. Should sell relatively quickly we think, it's a beautiful car & very well maintained. The bill's account takes care of itself and there is always sufficient money in it to cover the regular expenses. I have also taking up a saving tip from By saving a dollar each week (eg week 1: $1, week 2; $2 etc) I hope to save ~$1370 which I will use for Christmas. Next year I want to start week 1 at $53 and see how I go. I have cut back so much and have plugged the holes in the bucket, hence no more serious leakage. I really want to be successful at this and get rid of the noose around my neck. It looks so scary when you see it in black & white in front of you.

I'm determined though, to go without and prove to myself that this can be done. Think how much I will have, to pay off the mortgage when all of this is over! Hopefully hubby will have a job to start in July/August. If not he's been offered a 5 month stint away (not keen on that) but it would mean 5 months of full time wages for him.

Anyway, the grocery budget for next month is $250 (there are 5 weeks in March). See how close we get to it!

Chin up, keep smiling and finding new & fun ways to make the challenge enjoyable.

Today I need to make laundry liquid, do groceries and factor in some exercise. Housework is nearly finished! Yeah!!!!

Happy making & saving!


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