Thursday, January 28, 2010

Investing in your children's futures

Well after going into meltdown yesterday afternoon after enrollment information for my son's university course hadn't arrived, I really had to make the effort to sit and think clearly and rationally about how I was going to be able to make this happen for him. You see, his chosen career path is that of a Commercial Pilot and unless you have a spare $115,000 sitting in your bank account, it's not a particularly easy course to fund. 

After spending 6 hours at enrollment with him today all my questions were answered, karma returned and the world was a better place again! He of course wasn't terribly phased and simply said to me, "oh well mum, whatever makes it easier for you and dad". Very understanding our son. He has never consciously been financially demanding. We do place high level importance on education in our house and having just funded my husband's career change, backing up to do our son's is a little more challenging for my meager wage. We were able to defer all fee payments onto FEE-Help/HECS-HELP at least until the end of 2nd year, which by then it won't be an issue as darling husband will have been working again for almost 2 years and my goal for this year being to get rid of the house hold debt!

You see, this is life, it presents you with challenges and it's up to you to carefully think through all of your options prior to making decisions. The right answer is always there, you just have to find it!

Anyway, dear son now also has some saving goals of his own in regard to his study and a lot of very serious study ahead. As for myself, I just have to keep everyone focused on not further damaging the family's financial status and repairing the damage of the past 3 years. 

Together we stand united and working for the common goals of our family!

Until next time


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